Bo: Tough Times for Pharaoh
The Midrash in Shemot Rabbah 13:3 asks: Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart in the first place? Since God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, heretics could argue that Pharaoh had no way...
Bo: Tough Times for Pharaoh
The Midrash in Shemot Rabbah 13:3 asks: Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart in the first place? Since God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, heretics could argue that Pharaoh had no way...
Beshalach: Cloudy with a Chance of Manna
Long before the publication of one of my favorite children’s books, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, dinner really did fall down from the sky. After Bnai Yisrael entered the wilderness,...
Beshalach: Cloudy with a Chance of Manna
Long before the publication of one of my favorite children’s books, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, dinner really did fall down from the sky. After Bnai Yisrael entered the wilderness,...
Yitro: The Yoke of Torah
In Parashat Yitro, God decides that it is time for Bnai Yisrael to live under the yoke of Torah. Why do Bnai Yisrael deserve to receive the Torah at this...
Yitro: The Yoke of Torah
In Parashat Yitro, God decides that it is time for Bnai Yisrael to live under the yoke of Torah. Why do Bnai Yisrael deserve to receive the Torah at this...
Mishpatim: Keep Each Other Warm
Have you ever wanted to just curl up in your blanket? Among Parashat Mishpatim’s many laws that regulate our interactions with one another is the following: “If you take your...
Mishpatim: Keep Each Other Warm
Have you ever wanted to just curl up in your blanket? Among Parashat Mishpatim’s many laws that regulate our interactions with one another is the following: “If you take your...
Terumah: Holy Construction Zone
In Parashat Terumah, God gives Bnai Yisrael a blueprint for the construction of the Mishkan, a portable dwelling place for God. Modern Bible scholar, Nahum Sarna, explained how that now...
Terumah: Holy Construction Zone
In Parashat Terumah, God gives Bnai Yisrael a blueprint for the construction of the Mishkan, a portable dwelling place for God. Modern Bible scholar, Nahum Sarna, explained how that now...
Tetzaveh: Recurring Donation
Paypal may have not existed at the time of Bnai Yisrael in the desert but the concept of a recurring donation did exist. Parashat Tetzaveh begins by explaining how Bnai...
Tetzaveh: Recurring Donation
Paypal may have not existed at the time of Bnai Yisrael in the desert but the concept of a recurring donation did exist. Parashat Tetzaveh begins by explaining how Bnai...