Pirsum HaNes Activities for Hanukkah

Are you looking for an engaging Hanukkah activities about pirsum hanes, “publicizing the miracle?” At Midrash Manicures, we start our pirsum hanes programs with the source sheets below. We then discuss modern ways of publicizing the miracle of Hanukkah, from hand-painted Midrash Manicures, to Hanukkah Leggings, to new Cold Shoulder Dreidel Tops!

Part 1 of Lesson for Grades 5-9: Book of Macabees When was Hanukkah first celebrated? What was the reason it was celebrated? We often then ask students to act out this passage using cut out paper symbols of Hanukkah (ancient old lamp, flask of oil, Judah Maccabee, menorah, hanukkiyah, snowflake, sukkah, lulav). We then discuss how the story of the oil lasting for 8 nights is “missing” from this passage.

Part 2 of Lesson for Grades 5-9: Talmudic Passages on Hanukkah What theme of Hanukkah is emphasized from this passage? How is this theme different than what we learned from the Book of Maccabees? At this point, we introduce the Hebrew phrase of pirsum hanes.

We then ask students to think about modern examples of pirsum hanes, anywhere from electric Hanukkiyot to Midrash Manicures for Hanukkah!

If you have any questions about creating your own pirsum hanes program or you would like to bring a Midrash Manicures workshop to your community, please be in touch with me at rabbi@midrashmanicures.comChag Urim Sameach – Happy Hanukkah!

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